Village Basics
An annual series of class helping us learn to live…
…Around the Table as family.
…Under the Word as disciples.
…Among our Neighbors as missionaries.
Next Class:
Around the Table
Sundays in May
THE youth ROOM
Around the Table
As sons and daughter of God, we don’t just gain a heavenly Father. We gain an entire family of brothers and sisters! While we can idealize what that could be like in our imaginations, we all know that real relationships (especially family relationships, at times!) aren’t always smooth sailing when we actually sit around the table. Fortunately, our common foundation in the gospel gives us exactly what we need to relate as God’s new family rooted in truth, grace, love, and the person and work of Jesus Christ.
This is what we’ll explore in our Village Basics class, Around the Table. Through the month of May, we’ll spend Sunday mornings together from 9:00-10:00am considering the kinds of tables all of God’s people get to be gathered around - and what it means for how we live as and with the church. Below is our monthly breakdown:
Learn: Gathered around the Royal Table (5/5)
Learn: Gathered around the Communion Table (5/12)
Learn: Gathered around the Dining Room Table (5/19)
Practice: Lesson 1 + Exercise 1 of Gospel-Centered Community (5/26)
That’s right! In our fourth class, we’ll actually put to practice some of the things we’ve discussed. Our final class will springboard into a Summer Study through Gospel-Centered Community. Why? Because we not only want you to learn about the the church and what it means to live in community; we want to become better brothers and sisters for one another in Christ.
Summer Study
Gospel-Centered Community
beginning in june
This nine-lesson study will take folks through foundational gospel truths and practical implications for the way we live with other people. To learn more, here’s Amazon’s listing.