Jesus, Healer of the Sick (John 4:46-54) | February 13, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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The Prodigal Song
No Other Love
Focal Passage

Response Time
He Will Hold Me Fast
The Solid Rock



Jesus, Healer of the Sick (John 4:46-54)

John 4:46-54


Sometimes desperation is the tool God uses to reshape our faith.

  1. Desperation EXPANDS our faith. (Jn. 4:46-49)

  2. Desperation is the SEED of faith. (Jn. 4:50)

  3. Desperation is the FRUIT of faith. (Jn. 4:51-54)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • What have moments of desperation revealed about your dependance?

  • How might God be using desperation to reshape your faith?

  • Where is God wanting to redeem your desperation to grow the fruit of faithfulness as a citizen of the King?

Scott O'Donohoe