Jesus, Ultimate Restorer (John 5:1-18) | February 20, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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And Can It Be
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The Nearness of You
Altogether Good
Focal Passage

Response Time
Lord I Need You
Thank You, Jesus, for the Blood



Jesus, Ultimate Restorer

John 5:1-18


Hope in the gifts of God misses the restoration that comes from Christ alone.

  1. The healing fountain misses the Fountain of Living Water.

  2. A day of rest misses the Sigh of Eternal Rest.

  3. Jesus as a way to God misses Jesus as God.



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • Where have you trusted a go-between to give what comes from God alone?

  • Consider where you search for wholeness / rest apart from Jesus?

  • How does Jesus transform your hopeful longing from unfulfilled to already yours?

Scott O'Donohoe