Jesus, Truth on Trial (John 5:30-47) | March 6, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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Light and Momentary
No Other Love
Focal Passage

Response Time
Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me Go



Jesus, Truth on Trial

John 5:30-47


Truth is made clear by many witnesses, but many refuse to believe and have life.

  1. Jesus calls His witnesses. (5:30-39)

  2. Jesus files the charges. (5:40-44)

  3. Jesus names the accuser. (5:45-47)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • On whose account do you (not) believe that Jesus is who He claims to be?

  • What are the dangers of finding life in the Scriptures (or elsewhere) apart from Jesus?

  • How could your life change today, if you banked your future on the truth and witness of Jesus?

Scott O'Donohoe