Jesus, the Better Moses (John 6:1-24) | March 13, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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From Deep Distress
Come Thou Fount
Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Focal Passage

Response Time
You Alone
We Are Changed



Jesus, the Better Moses

John 6:1-24


Jesus makes room for us to see who he really is.

  1. Jesus shows us who he is. (Jn. 6:1-14)

  2. We make him into something he’s not. (Jn. 6:15-21)

  3. Pay attention to who you’re seeking. (Jn. 6:22-24)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • Are you seeking after Jesus? Why [not]?

  • How are you quick to crown your version of Jesus for your preferences and purposes?

  • Are there parts of what Jesus says, does, or means that you’d rather not reckon with?

  • How would the real Jesus challenge what you say, do, or believe? How do you know?

  • What steps can you take to seek after the real Jesus who makes room for you?

Scott O'Donohoe