Jesus, the Forsaken One (John 6:60-71) | March 27, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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Skeleton Bones
God Is Love
Come Thou Fount
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Response Time
Sweet Comfort
It Is Finished




Jesus, the Forsaken One

John 6:60-71


The tough truths of God will either soften and draw near, or harden and push away.

  1. God gives tough truth. (6:60-63)

  2. God grants eternal life. (6:64-65)

  3. God wants to know who is in. (5:66-71)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • What tough truths of God do you find yourself wrestling with?

  • Have you found yourself delighting in, railing against, or curiously engaging those truths?

  • Are you going to go away as well? Where would you go? What is it to prioritize the words of eternal life / the Holy one of God / Jesus… above all, now and forever?

Scott O'Donohoe