Jesus, Fountain of Life (John 7:32-52) | April 10, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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Remember What It Cost
Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Oh God
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Response Time
In the Shadow of the Glorious Cross
What Wondrous Love Is This




Jesus, Fountain of Life

John 7:32-52


The invitation to believe is an invitation to drink from the fountain of living water.

  1. The Invitation Expires. (7:32-36)

  2. The Invitation is Public. (7:37-39)

  3. The Invitation Divides. (7:40-52)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • Have you forgotten the urgency that Jesus includes in his invitation to you?

  • If the invitation to believe has been sitting on the coffee table, why not respond today and receive Jesus - the fountain of life?

  • If you have believed and received, what might the Spirit be inviting you into to let the river of living water flow to others?

Scott O'Donohoe