Jesus, Purpose and Life (John 8:48-59) | (5/22/22)

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His Mercy is More
Yet Not I But Christ Through Me
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You Alone
So Good To Me




Jesus, Purpose and Life

John 8:48-59

Life in Jesus gives hope and confidence to live on purpose, forever.

  1. Jesus lives for God’s glory. (Jn. 8:48-50)

  2. Jesus is the way to live forever. (Jn. 8:51-56)

  3. Jesus is the greatest, then, now, and forever. (Jn. 8:57-59)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. How has purposeless shaped your life? In what way has the fear of death robbed joy?

  2. Jesus models and invites to a life with purpose, forever. In what way have you minimized the victory and invitation?

  3. How is The Spirit shaping you to live with hope and confidence, for his glory and for your joy today? …in all of life?

Kieh Kirby