Jesus, Humble King (John 12:9-19) | 7/17/22

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Jesus, Humble King (John 12:9-19)

Main Idea:
Jesus is the long awaited, unexpected King like no other. The King is here, and he’s different than you thought.

1. This King is a Righteous Rescuer  (Zech 9:9a, 16-17)

2. This King is Humble and Lifted Up (Zech 9:9b)

3. This King brings Peace to the Ends of the Earth (Zech 9:10-11)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. In what ‘king’ of the earth have you placed your rescue..authority..peace?

  2. Consider how the kings of the earth fail to be the king that only Jesus can be.

Kieh Kirby