Jesus, Death Gives Life (John 12:20-26) | 7/24/22

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Jesus, Death Gives Life (John 12:20-26)

Main Idea:
THE DEATH (and life) of JESUS CHANGES THE WAY WE LIVE (and die).

  1. Self love costs your life. (Jn. 12:25)

  2. Serving Jesus conforms your life. (Jn. 12:26a)

  3. A Jesus-conformed life is a God-honored life. (Jn. 12:26b)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. Are you more afraid of physical death at the end of your days, or dying to yourself today?

  2. What is the offer Jesus makes to those who lose their life to follow him?

  3. If the fullness of life today and eternal to come is our gain, then is it really a loss to lay down your life to follow Jesus today?

Kieh Kirby