God Heals His Broken Bride (Hosea 5:1-6:3) | 9/25/22
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Order of Gathering
You Have My Surrender
I Want to Know You
Focal Passage Reading
Response Time
Fix My Eyes
Only Your Blood
God Heals His Broken Bride
(Hosea 5:1-6:3)
Main Idea:
Alarm sirens from God are a gift that brings the refreshing waters of grace.
Alarm sirens that lead to grace:
Heed the warning of God’s judgment. (5:1-14)
Turn back to God’s presence. (5:15-6:1)
Embrace the life in God’s grace. (6:1-3)
Reflect, Repent, and Respond
What part of God’s warning seems most urgent, concerning, or difficult to hear right now?
What would a heartfelt prayer of repentance sound like as you turn & behold. – What are you turning from? Who are you turning to?
As you press in to know the Lord, imagine the beauty of His grace showering down on you as the spring rains bring life to the earth.