God Responds to His Hypocrite Bride (Hosea 8:1-14) | 10/9/22

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God Responds to His Hypocrite Bride
(Hosea 8:1-14)

Main Idea:
Letting God do his work in his way leads to life.


  1. You follow what leads you. (4-6)

  2. You are what you sow. (7-10)

  3. You become what you worship. (11-14)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. When is it hard to believe God’s ways are good?

  2. How often is Jesus a decisive voice in your life?

  3. Consider your relationships. What do you sow? What are others reaping? Are there patterns?

  4. On what does your spiritual life rise and fall?

  5. Are you becoming a person that looks like Jesus?

  6. How do you let the ends justify the means?

Scott O'Donohoe