God Rejects His Unrepentant Bride (Hosea 9:1-17) | 10/16/22

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God Rejects His Unrepentant Bride
(Hosea 9:1-17)

Main Idea:
“Home” in this world is no home at all.

Home is…

  1. …Satisfaction in God. (9:1-4)

  2. …Exile for those rebelling against God. (9:3, 5-9)

  3. …Hopeless apart God. (9:10-17)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. Are you most “at home” in the truths of God, or in the cares of this world?

  2. What lies do you believe about being home in the Lord?

  3. What does Jesus do by revealing himself as the way, truth, and life?

  4. What role do we have as the church to make the invitation of “forever home” visible to the world?

Scott O'Donohoe