God Welcomes Us Home (Hosea 14:1-9) | 11/20/22

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Order of Gathering

In Tenderness
Lord I Need You
God Alone
Focal Passage Reading

Response Time
Come and Tear Down the Walls




God Welcomes Us Home
(Hosea 14:1-9)

Main Idea:
In the face of just judgment, turn, receive, and be restored.


  1. Turn back to God. (14:1-3b)

  2. Receive the Mercy of God. (14:3c)

  3. Be restored to God. (14:4-9)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. How would you describe the trajectory of your walk with God?

  2. Will your current path (rhythms, heart, relationship) get you where you want to end up?

  3. What needs to change? – …small things? …big heart level things?

  4. If Christ has endured your judgment for sin and united you to God, what’s keeping you from drawing near to God right now?

Scott O'Donohoe