Jesus, the Lead Servant (John 13:1-20) | 1/1/23

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From Deep Distress
This I Believe (The Creed)
Scripture Reading
Response Time

You Alone
Nobody Like You


Jesus, the Lead Servant
(John 13:1-20)

Main Idea:

Jesus came as a servant to establish and send a kingdom of servants.


Jesus came to…

  1. …serve. (13:1-5)

  2. …cleanse our worst. (13:6-13)

  3. …make disciples. (13:14-20)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. We’re always serving… what is God revealing about your nature to serve self at the expense of God’s glory and others?

  2. If, by faith, you’re unified with Christ, then what’s prevent you from letting his life of servanthood flow through your vains.

  3. What does the call to “be a servant” look like right here and now? Tomorrow? As a lifestyle?

Scott O'Donohoe