Jesus, the Betrayed One (John 13:21-30) | 1/8/23
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A Better Word
God of Revival
Jesus, the Betrayed One
(John 13:21-30)
Main Idea:
Jesus makes known his betrayal over dinner to give us a seat at His table.
…happens close to home. (13:21-25)
…has a long history. (13:26-27)
…happens in the cover of night. (13:28-30; Jn 1:1-15)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
To understand betrayal, we must first understand that all have betrayed the Lord. Where is the Spirit revealing roots & fruits of betrayal in you?
To work through betrayal’s pain, we must identify with a savior who has suffered as we have, and who did so willingly so that we might be invited to an eternal table with the Lord who never forsakes us.
What comittment is God inviting you to make or renew with him, even right now?