Jesus, Glory and Love (John 13:31-35) | 1/15/23

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Order of Gathering

So Good to Me
Rock of Ages
Scripture Reading
Response Time

Your Glory
Absent from Flesh


Jesus, Glory and Love
(John 13:31-35)

Main Idea:

The glory of God is made known ‘now, in Christ, through love.’


The time is NOW to:

  1. Glorify God. (13:-31-32)

  2. Seek Jesus. (13:33)

  3. Love one another. (13:34-35)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Consider your purpose – what is your bottom line for all that you do?

  2. Jesus shows that God’s glory is our “cheif end” in all things. How does he enable us to live for God’s glory?

  3. If God’s glory was our highest prize in life, how would it change how you live?

Scott O'Donohoe