Jesus, The Way, Truth, and Life (John 13:36-14:14) | 1/29/23
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Jesus, The Way, Truth, and Life
(John 13:36-14:14)
Main Idea:
Our hearts can be untroubled when Jesus is enough.
Jesus is…
…the life laid down. (13:36-38)
…the one way home. (14:1-7)
…the truth made known. (14:8-11)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
If you’ve not believed in Jesus for the first time, what’s keeping you from doing that today?
When do you do works “like Jesus,” but from a place of panic instead of a confident peace?
If making it home to the Father is up to Jesus instead of you, how does that change your life?
What truth of Jesus doesn’t seem like enough?
What do you need to ask God for?