Jesus, Departing with Love and Peace (John 14:15-31) | 2/5/23

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Remember What It Cost
No Other Love
I Am Set Free
Scripture Reading
Response Time

Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go
He Will Hold Me Fast


Jesus, Departing with Love and Peace
(John 14:15-31)

Main Idea:

Even when things seem uncertain, love still defines our relationship with Jesus.


When love defines the relationships:

  1. Love shows up in action. (14:15; 21-24)

  2. Love shows up through presence. (14:16-20; 25-26)

  3. Love departs in peace. (14:27-31)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. When you think of God, how do you consider your relationship?

  2. Based on what Jesus shows us, how does he define our relationship by love, no matter what?

  3. What is the relationship between love, obedience, presence, & peace concerning our walk with God

  4. What action is God inviting you into?

Scott O'Donohoe