Jesus, the Hated One (John 15:18-16:4) | 2/19/23
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How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
Yet Not I But Christ Through Me
Jesus, the Hated One
(John 15:18-16:4)
Main Idea:
In a world that hates Jesus, expect opposition if you love Him.
The world hates Jesus. (15:18; 22-25)
Jesus loves and calls us out from this world. (15:19-21; 26-27)
If you love Jesus, this world will hate you. (15:18; 16:4)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
What emotions / fears creep in when you see the world hating Jesus? …the church? …you?
What comfort is there for us in this passage?
Desipte the world being against Jesus, how does Jesus feel about this world? How do you know?
What is God calling you to believe? … to do?