Jesus, Sends the Spirit (John 16:5-15) | 2/26/23

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Order of Gathering

Absent from Flesh

God With Us
Make Room
Scripture Reading

God Is Love
It Is Finished


Jesus, Sends the Spirit
(John 16:5-15)

Main Idea:
Jesus goes, but God is near and His work continues without missing a beat.

  1. God is NEAR. (16:5-7)

  2. God CONVICTS. (16:8-11)

  3. God GUIDES. (16:12-15)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What to remember that we might endure?

  2. If you walk with Jesus, you’ll walk with opposition.

  3. “This world” is the mission, not your enemy.

  4. This world is not our home.

Scott O'Donohoe