Jesus, Joy Against Sorrow (John 16:16-24) | 3/5/23

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Jesus, Joy Against Sorrow
(John 16:16-24)

Main Idea:
Jesus is the hinge that converts sorrow to Joy.

  1. Sin brings sorrow. (16:16-20a)

  2. Jesus brings joy. (16:20b-22)

  3. Joy in Jesus changes the way we relate with God. (16:23-24)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. When you see the defeat, and feel the sorrow, of this life, who do you blame? (SIN brings sorrow)

  2. When you fight through sorrow, and for joy, is Jesus the hinge for the fullness of joy? (JESUS brings joy)

  3. What is the connection between joy in Jesus, and our prayers to God?

  4. What’s robbing you of joy, stopping your prayers, and bringing sorrow that Jesus can’t overcome?

Scott O'Donohoe