Jesus, Our Overcomer (John 16:25-33) | 3/12/23

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Jesus, Our Overcomer (John 16:25-33)
Scott O'Donohoe

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Order of Gathering

Battle Belongs

Come Alive
How Great Thou Art
Scripture Reading
Time of Response

Power to Redeem
God of Revival


Jesus, Our Overcomer
(John 16:25-33)

Main Idea:
The plain truth of the gospel overcomes everything.

The plain truth of the gospel overcomes…

  1. …barriers to the Father. (16:25-28)

  2. …unbelief in Jesus. (16:29-31)

  3. …troubles of the world. (16:32-33)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Have you not just known that Jesus came from God, but have you believed that and loved Jesus for it?

  2. When is it hard to believe that the Father loves you?

  3. Are you growing in knowledge and intimacy w/God?

  4. In what are you least teachable? Why is that?

  5. What’s a next step with Jesus you fear taking?
    → What isn’t at risk in light of Jesus’ victory?

  6. Where do you need a greater peace?

Scott O'Donohoe