Jesus, the Middle Man (John 17:1-19) | 3/19/23
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Order of Gathering
Yes and Amen
New Member Acknowledgement
Joy to Be
Scripture Reading
Time of Response
The Goodness of Jesus
Jesus, The Middle Man
(John 17:1-19)
Main Idea:
When Jesus pulls back the curtain on who He is, we truly learn who we are.
It’s time to…
Show them who I am. (17:1-5)
Show them who they are. (17:6-13)
Show them how to live. (17:14-19)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
How have you thought about Jesus? What has He revealed about Himself that shows who He really is?
How would you describe who you are? What if you considered yourself by your association with Jesus?
What does it mean to not be “of the world,” and yet to be sent into the world? How does that change your purpose? …your actions?