Jesus, Who Steps Forward (John 18:1-11) | 4/2/23
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His Mercy Is More
O Fount of Love
Death Has Lost Its Sting
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Time of Response
Hymn of Heaven
Fix My Eyes
Jesus, Who Steps Forward
(John 18:1-11)
Main Idea:
Even the best laid traps fall victim to God’s better plan of redemption.
The accuser will always be armed.
The righteous can always step forward.
The Lord’s will always go free.
Reflect | Repent | Respond
How has betrayal shaped the “places” of your life: literal places, relationships, communities, etc.?
What is God’s redeeming role in that betrayal?
What accusations do you hear? Where do they come from? What does Jesus say about them?
What habits of hiding could Jesus break for you?
What “weapons of the world” do you need to put away in pursuit of self-righteousness? What would it look like to step forward in his righteousness?