Church Planting Sunday | 4/16/23

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Church Planting Sunday
Michael Graham

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Order of Gathering

Grace Alone

Only a Holy God
Death in His Grave
Scripture Reading
Response Time

All Sufficient Merit
King of My Heart



Church Planting Sunday

Main Idea:
Churches grow where the gospel is scattered, planted, nourished, and bearing fruit.


  1. The early church gives a glimpse of the gospel being planted.

  2. Planting churches gives a glimpe of the future kingdom bearing fruit.



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What disconnect have you had between the work of the gospel advancing, and planting churches?

  2. How have you lived (intentionally) with a motivation to scatter, plant, and nourish the gospel? How have you (intentionally) strengthened, supported, & multiplied the church?

  3. How has the Spirit stirred you to join the mission of Jesus by advancing the gospel through the church?

Scott O'Donohoe