Jesus, King of Kings (John 18:28-40) | 4/30/23

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Order of Gathering

Oh How I Need You

Rising Sun
Yes and Amen
Scripture Reading
Response Time

Once and for All
Hymn of Heaven



Jesus, King of Kings
(John 18:28-40)

Main Idea:

Because the Kingdom of God is not of this world, the people of God live for another.

Jesus is clarifying the…

  1. …Nature of His Kingdom. (18:28-32)

  2. …Way of His Kingdom. (18:33-36)

  3. …Truth of His Kingdom. (18:37-40)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Where do you find yourself missing (replacing) the nature / way / truth of the kingdom of God?

  2. How is Jesus regularly misunderstood in a culture that lives for another world under another king? How do you do that?

  3. What would change in your life (in the world) if you lived with Jesus as the true, butter King of all Kings in this world, for the next?

Scott O'Donohoe