Jesus, Shackled Authority (John 19:1-16) | 5/7/23

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Order of Gathering

Come Alive (Dry Bones)

All for Love
Nobody Like You
Scripture Reading
Response Time

In the Shadow of the Glorious Cross
Good and Gracious King



Jesus, Shackled Authority
(John 19:1-16)

Main Idea:

A true king uses his authority to benefit his people.

  1. Jesus endures misguided mockery. (v.1-5)

  2. Jesus corrects unqualified authority. (v.6-11)

  3. Jesus receives blatant hypocrisy. (v.12-16)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What’s the big deal with power and authority? Why does everyone seem to want it and what do people do with it when they have it?

  2. How does Jesus use his authority at the end of his life, as he nears the cross? What motivated him to do that?

  3. What difference does Jesus’ authority and faithfulness make for ours?

Scott O'Donohoe