Jesus, Risen and Ascending (John 20:1-18) | 5/28/23
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Jesus, Risen and Ascending
(John 20:1-18)
Main Idea:
Where Jesus is today shapes our faith in every way.
Where is Jesus?
If He’s missing, we have nothing. (v.1-10)
If He’s risen, we have Him. (v.11-16)
If He’s ascended, He has it all. (v.17-18)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Do you want to trust Jesus with your life and death and life beyond death for the very first time?
If Jesus feels missing in your life, what difference does His resurrection and ascension make to you?
How does Mary’s encounter with Jesus speak to your own devotion to or disappointment in Him?
How can a greater awareness of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus shape the way you share the gospel and your eagerness to share it?