Jesus, Our Living Peace (John 20:19-23) | 6/4/23

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Jesus, Our Living Peace (John 20:19-23)

Main Idea:
The peace that Jesus brings moves us out the door.


  1. We get to gather in peace. (v.19-20)

  2. We get to go in peace. (v.21-22)

  3. We get to give out peace. (v.23



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. When being associated with Jesus feels like a big risk, how can His peace make it a privilege?

  2. Why do you avoid gathering with God’s people?

  3. What makes you think you’ve disqualified yourself from ministry? What does Jesus’ peace say to that?

  4. Consider the way you give and ask for forgiveness in your relationships. What’s it say about your soul?

  5. Where do you most need the peace of Jesus?

Scott O'Donohoe