Jesus, Our Gracious Host (John 21:1-14) | 6/18/23

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Order of Gathering

Christ Be All Around Me
Graduate Recognition

Altogether Good
Living Hope
Scripture Reading
Response Time

Come and Tear Down the Walls
The Nearness of You



Jesus, Our Gracious Host
(John 21:1-14)

Main Idea:
Jesus brings them back to where it started inviting them/us into life in his name.


  1. [life in his name] with a new identity. (v.1-5)

  2. [life in his name] on mission. (v.6)

  3. [life in his name] at his table. (v.7-14)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What foundation is your life being built upon? What is your ultimate good, and how do you know?

  2. When have you cared more about the opinion of others than the opinion of Christ, and how does that shapeyour days?

  3. Are you pursuing community? Who has God placed in your life to disciple you? What is church to you?

  4. Are you dining on God’s word? How might that impact your prayers and experience of God’s gifts?

Scott O'Donohoe