Jesus, Confronting to Commission (John 21:15-19) | 6/25/23
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Jesus, Confronting to Commission
(John 21:15-19)
Main Idea:
Jesus commissions us by confronting us in love.
Jesus confronts us with…
…our lesser love. (v.15-17)
…our lifelong need. (v.18-19a)
…our lasting invitation. (v.19b)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Are you nervous that the Lord might be confronting you over something in your life? What is it? Why?
How can you enter confrontation differently in light of His greater love & commission for you? …them?
Where are you refusing to admit your need today?
What from your past do you wish could remind you of God’s grace instead of your shame?
Imagine your next step to follow Jesus. Take it!