Above All Authentic Faith (Colossians 2:6-15) | 8/13/23
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Order of Gathering
Eternal King
Holy Forever
Scripture Reading
Time of Respond
Before the Throne
Battle Belongs
Above All Authentic Faith
(Colossians 2:6-15)
Main Idea:
Jesus rebuilds our lives from the ground up.
Walk in that life. (v. 6-7)
Be captivated by that life. (v. 8-15)
Abound in thanksgiving for that life. (v. 7)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Have you received Jesus as your King and Savior?
> If so, think about when, why, and what it was like!
> If not, what’s keeping you from that today?
Why is it hard to believe any of the gospel truths in v.9-15 might describe your personal life?
> How would you live differently if they did?
How can you let Jesus captivate more of your life?
What next step can you take to walk in Christ?