Above All, Embrace the Mundane (Colossians 4:7-18) | 9/17/23
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Order of Gathering
Joy to Be
Thank You Jesus for the Blood
Great Is They Faithfulness
Scripture Reading
Time of Respond
Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
It Is Finished
Above All, Embrace the Mundane
(Colossians 4:7-18)
Main Idea:
God sends encouraging comfort through his people and word.
God sends…
…some to encourage. (4:7-9)
…some to comfort. (4:10-13)
…His Word to establish. (4:14-18)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Does the simple, ‘mundane movement’ of God sound boring or unsatisfying?
> What’s the beauty in the faithful mundane?
How has God encouraged you? …comforted you?
> Where have you seen his people encourage?
> Where are you being sent to comfort?
Do you see the beauty in this letter (God’s Word) being past around and read from house to house?
> How is God sending you to carry His Word?