Redeeming Enemies | 10/22/23
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Praise the Lord Ye Heavens
His Mercy Is More
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Time of Response
Come Thou Fount
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Redeeming Enemies
Main Idea:
The way we relate to our enemies tells the story of how God relates to us.
Who are my enemies?
(Luke 6:27)How do I love my enemies?
(Luke 6:28-34)Why should I love my enemies?
(Luke 6:35-36; Rom. 5:1-11)
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Who do you consider your enemy?
> What makes them your enemy? How’s that play out?
Do you know that we’re, by nature, enemies of God?
Where do the Words of Jesus challenge your heart / actions towards those you call your enemy?
> Where have you sinned against others? / God?
How can you love your enemies, even today?
How are we transformed to love our enemies by this truth –“while we were enemies, Christ died for us?”