Redeeming Parents | 11/12/23

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Livestream begins shortly before the Gathering

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Order of Gathering

Come Thou Fount

Just Because
Oh God
Scripture Reading
Time of Response

O Come to the Altar
Eternal King



Redeeming Parents

Main Idea:
The aim of parenting is to love God with all you got and teach your kids to do the same.


A parent’s aim is to…

  1. …show them the love of God.

    (Deut. 6:4-7a)

  2. …teach them the way of God.

    (Deut. 6:1-3; 3 John 1:1-4; Deut. 6:4-9)

  3. …enjoy [w/ them] the blessings of God. (Deut. 6:10-12; 20-25)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Consider what you have thought the purpose of your parenting is? How has that played out?

    > How is the Word reshaping that purpose for you?

  2. Have you found yourself carrying guilt or feeling condemned by parenting misses or failures?

    > Where does Christ’s work meet you in your misses?

    > God is the best Dad to us as kids, & to our kids.

  3. How does the idea of “spiritual children” impact all in Christ, and spur us towards investing in others?

Scott O'Donohoe