Who Can Stand Against? (1 Samuel 19:1-24) | 8/18/24

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Order of Gathering

Praise the Lord Ye Heavens

Bless God
Jesus Paid It All

Your Glory
So Good to Me



Who Can Stand Against?
(1 Samuel 19:1-24)

If God be for us, who can be against us?

  1. God uses relationships to defend us. (1-7; 11-17)

  2. God uses circumstances to protect us. (8-10)

  3. God uses his own power to preserve us. (18-24)



Reflection Questions

  • What consistent themes is God shining light on through 1 Samuel?
    >> What are we learning about God’s enemies?
    >> What does that teach us about our own enemies?

  • David’s song (Psalm 59) points our hearts to trust in God when life is hard, the cards seem stacked against, and enemies lurk…
    >> How can we redirect our inward thoughts in light of God’s protection?

  • Where have you feared, ran, or mistrusted because you forget what’s true about God and his devotion to you?
    >> Reflect on where your heart turns when enemies seem to prevail… what do you need to tell God about your [lack of] faith?
    >> What do you need to do, given the faithfulness of your good shepherd?
    >> What does it mean to have Jesus defending us now & forever?

Scott O'Donohoe