The Global Gospel (Romans 1:8-17) | 2/9/25

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The Global Gospel
(Romans 1:8-17)

The gospel goes far and wide, but starts with unashamed faith right here at home.

The gospel goes global…

  1. ...through gratitude and longing. (8-10)

  2. mutual encouragement. (11-13)

  3. all who possess unashamed faith. (14-17)



Reflection Questions

  • Have you considered the “near and far” nature of the gospel’s movement?
    > How is God working in you to show you the big picture?

  • How have you been “encouraged in the gospel” through other believers?
    > How might you be used to encourage others in the gospel?
    > What does unashamed faith look like for you, today?

Scott O'Donohoe