Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph | K-Ville at Home (12/4/22)


A Note to Parents

This week, we began our Christmas unit in The Gospel Project® for Kids and learned how angels announced the birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. God chose Mary and Joseph to be the earthly parents of Jesus by grace, not because of anything they did to deserve it. Jesus being born fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of God providing a Savior for His people. God the Son has always existed, but He took on humanity so that He could live a life full of obedience to the Father, die paying the sin penalty owed because of people’s sin, and rise again from the dead proving that He has power over the grave.

Help your kids keep Jesus purpose in coming to earth central as they celebrate the Christmas season.






God chose Mary and Joseph to be the earthly parents of Jesus.



The baby Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy, as well as other Old Testament prophecies, about the coming Savior. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled God’s plan of redemption that God planned from the beginning of the world.


Why was Jesus born? Jesus was born to rescue us from sin.

Scott O'Donohoe