God Defeated Jericho (9/10/23)


Joshua 2; 6
Session Notes:

In our Bible story today, we see not just mercy, but courageous mercy. Rahab by faith, courageously trusted God and hid the Hebrew spies. Mercy is not courageous until being merciful costs us something. Rahab’s mercy was pushed to the testing point. She had compassion and, in doing so, risked her life. She showed mercy; as a result, she received mercy.

Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone when it is within one’s power to punish or harm that person. Mercy was a key mark of Jesus’ ministry. He modeled mercy for us on earth, showing numerous times compassion and forgiveness to those who didn’t deserve it.

Mercy often involves courage because you have the power—and often the right—to punish rather than forgive. In our world today, the act of forgiveness is often seen as a weakness. It’s risky. Mercy that lacks courage will be sporadic in its application. We, like Pilate, will forgive until it costs us something. We will have compassion, but only from a distance. This is the beauty of Christ that we see in stories like Rahab.

The God we serve is lavish in His mercy and rich in His kindness. What Rahab experienced is a glimpse of God’s mercy we see in Christ. Jesus is the full expression of the mercy and kindness of God. Jesus isn’t concerned from a distance; He took on human flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus didn’t just act mercifully when it was convenient. He laid down his life so that we could be forgiven.

Rahab modeled for us what Jesus preached in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:7: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Let us today be extenders of mercy to others because of the tender mercy of God in Christ we have received because of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.





By faith, Rahab believed God would win the battle. When the Israelites attacked Jericho, Rahab and her family received mercy and became part of God’s people. Jesus has won against sin and death. Everyone who trusts in Jesus receives mercy and becomes part of God’s family forever.


What is a miracle? A miracle is something God does that usually cannot be done so that we can know He is all-powerful.

Scott O'Donohoe