Send Us Your Questions! | "Life in the Spirit" Q&R
Hey church!
We know that as we're walking through 1 Corinthians 12-14, some of you have questions, concerns, or maybe even some rebuttals to the ground we've covered and where we've landed on the spiritual gifts. These are all welcome, and we'd love to further explain, clarify, and reason together about those things!
While you can always reach out to us personally, we'd love to pack all of your questions and how we've thought through them into an episode (or two!) of the Formed & Sent Podcast. If there's something you'd like us to speak to that we just don't have time for on Sundays, let us know by filling out this Google Form:
We'll keep tabs on what comes in over the next couple of weeks and put something together accordingly!
In the meantime, here are just a few resources you might find helpful (or that might stir up more questions!):
Village Resources:
The Spiritual Gifts: A Series Supplement for Life in the Spirit (PDF)
UPCOMING: Class on spiritual gifts from 9-10am on Sundays in November
Other Resources:
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: A Comprehensive Guide by Sam Storms (Book)
Practicing the Power: Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Your Life by Sam Storms (Book)
Gift & Giver: The Holy Spirit for Today by Craig Keener (Book)
The Acts 29 Podcast on Spiritual Gifts (Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts)
Roundtable: Spiritual Gifts in the Church with Matt Chandler & Andrew Wilson (Video)
Thanks all!