All-Church Video Call: Discipleship
During our first Family Meeting of 2020, we sparked an energetic conversation about discipleship. Who felt equipped for it? Who was discipling someone? Who was being discipled? While many of us felt connected with one another, far fewer felt confident in their ability to make, mature, and multiply disciples!
Despite having to cut our discussion short due to time, we committed to continuing the conversation during a Discipleship Huddle one Sunday after a gathering. Well, that was scheduled for last Sunday, March 29th, and we obviously weren’t able to keep our appointment! But while the Shelter-in-Place order might keep us from meeting in-person, it doesn’t make our need to carry on the conversation - or to actually do discipleship! - any less important!
That’s why we’re taking this Monday’s All-Church Video Call to talk all about discipleship! We want to hear your expectations for what you think discipling should look like, where you’re left scratching your head, and what you think you need in order to jump in. Then we want to bring Jesus, the Word, and the gospel to bear on all that, so that The Village might have our hearts and minds around discipleship reset by all the right things.
If you have thoughts, questions, situations, or anything else you want to bring up (or want us to bring up!) on Monday, feel free to let us know in advance using this Google Form. If nothing comes to mind, we’ll be asking targeted questions, inviting you to share, and opening up the call for you to speak to whatever the Spirit might call to mind that night.
Want to join the call? Here are the details:
When: Monday, April 6th at 8:15pm
Password (if you need it!): 312713
Who: Anyone!