Bearing God's Presence & Provision

We know that all of the recent changes are having a holistic affect on our community: social, emotional, financial, spiritual, physical, and mental. While our hands are tied in many ways and our resources are limited, our King is bound by nothing and his riches are endless. As a church, we'd love to bear his presence and provision in any way we can over the coming weeks.

If you or someone you know have any needs - be they spiritual or physical - we'd love to know if we could help. On our homepage, there's now a button below March 2020 Updates that says "Want Prayer? Need Help?" Anyone can fill out the pop-up form, and responses will be triaged among the elders and our Servant Leader of the Prayer Team, Angie Dicken.

We will do our best to appropriately, personally respond to the nature of each request in a timely manner. While we know we can’t meet every need or provide every comfort, we do know the One who sees us, hears us, knows us, and meets us perfectly in every place of need. In Christ, we have the privilege of drawing near to the throne of grace arm-in-arm with one another, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need together (Hebrews 4:16). May we meet the needs before us with all that the Father has given us - not the least of which is Himself through the Son and by the Spirit!

Scott O'Donohoe