K-Ville at Home! | Sunday, August 23, 2020



This week, we will reach an important juncture in the big story of the Bible. The people of Israel had been led by a series of judges, but now they looked around and saw how the other nations had kings, so they too wanted a king. So the people went to the last judge, the prophet Samuel and demanded a king. Samuel resisted, but God told him to do as the people asked. However, God told Samuel to warn the people about the consequences of having a king.

Samuel tried to warn the people that a king would place a heavy burden on them. He would take young men to fight in wars. He would tax the people. He would make them work hard. But the people refused to listen so God appointed a man named Saul to be Israel’s king. From a human perspective, Saul was the perfect choice, but as we will see next week, he was far from being the perfect king God had in mind.

Help your kids understand that Jesus is our King and that He is the perfect, wise, and loving King. Encourage your kids to follow Jesus as the absolute leader of their lives.




Israel Demanded a King

1 Samuel 8-10

Main Point

God chose Saul as Israel’s first king.

Big Picture Question

Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world.

Key Passage

“For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm! God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.”
- Psalm 47:7-8

Christ Connection

God intended for a heavenly king to rule over Israel, but the Israelites did not trust God’s plan. So God chose Saul to be their king. God had a plan to one day send His Son, Jesus, to rule the entire world. Jesus would be the perfect King who would bring peace and salvation to the world.


Scott O'Donohoe