K-Ville at Home! | Sunday, August 30, 2020



Last week, we saw how Israel demanded a human king to rule over them. God’s intention was to provide the perfect King for His people in Jesus, so He warned Israel about the problems they would face if they chose a human king instead. The people did not heed God’s warning, and God gave them Saul to be their king.

This week, we will see that God’s warnings about a human king began to come true with Saul. Saul looked just like the kind of king that the people wanted, but he sinned when he tried to offer a sacrifice that only the priest was allowed to give. Because of this, God rejected Saul as king.

Help your kids understand that Jesus is our perfect King and that we can trust and follow Him completely. Talk with them about our need to obey God completely and that we should do so because of our love for Him.




God Rejected Saul as King

1 Samuel 13:1-14; 15:1-35

Main Point

God rejected Saul as king because of his sin.

Big Picture Question

Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world.

Key Passage

“For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm! God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.”
- Psalm 47:7-8

Christ Connection

King Saul sinned by giving a sacrifice that only the priest was allowed to give. God rejected Saul as king, but He had a plan to send His Son, Jesus. King Jesus gave up His own life as a good and perfect sacrifice so sinners would be forgiven and accepted.


Scott O'Donohoe