K-Ville at Home! | Sunday, November 1, 2020



This week we continue our journey through the big story of the Bible and wrap up our time with Solomon by learning about how he thought about the purpose of life and wrote about it in the Book of Ecclesiastes.

Solomon discovered that apart from God, life does not make sense. God created everything, and He gives everything a purpose. Jesus gives us purpose for living. Jesus came so that we might live for Him and have full, meaningful life.

Help your kids find purpose in loving Jesus and living for Him. Remind them that Jesus gives us value and purpose in life.




Solomon Thought About Life

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Main Point

Life has purpose only with God.

Big Picture Question

Why can we trust God? Everything God does is for His glory and our good.

Key Passage

“For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
- Psalm 100:5 -

Christ Connection

Apart from God, life does not make sense. God created everything, and He gives everything a purpose. Jesus gives us purpose for living. Jesus came so that we might live for Him and have full, meaningful life. (John 10:10)


Scott O'Donohoe