K-Ville at Home! | Sunday, September 13, 2020



As we continue our journey through the big story of the Bible this week, we come to God anointing David to replace Saul as king and David’s victory over the giant Goliath. While Saul looked the part to be king, David didn’t look like a strong warrior and seemed to be no match for the Philistine champion. But God gave David power and he defeated Goliath.

God used this victory to position David as the next king and also to show us a picture of Jesus. When Jesus came to earth, He didn’t look like a strong warrior either. But Jesus showed His power when He died on the cross and rose again to defeat death.

Help your kids see the connection between David and Jesus. Talk about how God defeated Israel’s enemy of Goliath and our greater enemy of sin and death. Guide your kids to see that David doesn’t primarily teach us to be brave, but to trust in Jesus instead.




David and Jonathan Became Friends

1 Samuel 18:1-12; 19:1-10; 20:1-42

Main Point

God used Jonathan to save David’s life.

Big Picture Question

Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world.

Key Passage

“For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm! God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.”
- Psalm 47:7-8

Christ Connection

David and Jonathan were true friends. Their friendship points to an even greater friendship—our friendship with Jesus. Jesus calls us friends (John 15:15), and He showed His love by dying to save us from sin.


Scott O'Donohoe