Easter Sunday Gathering | Friday, April 4, 2021


Order of Gathering

Death Was Arrested


This I Believe (The Creed)

”Resurrection” (Valley of Vision)

How Great Thou Art
In Christ Alone

Focal Passage:
1 Corinthians 15:4-11

Grace On Which We Stand

Invitation to Respond

O Praise the Name
Living Hope



Grace on Which We Stand

1 Corinthians 15:4-11

Remember that Christ lives, and receive the victory of grace on which we stand.

  1. Christ DIED for our sin.

  2. Christ was BURIED with our sin.

  3. Christ was RAISED to overcome sin.

  4. Christ APPEARED to make it known.

  5. Christ is the FOUNDATION of grace on which we stand.

Reflect, Repent & Respond

  1. On what foundation is your life built?

  2. When you remember as 1st importance, that Christ died / was buried / raised / & appeared, what does it lead you to believe?

  3. How might a life built upon Christ’s victory of grace lead you to build your life?


Scott O'Donohoe