Scattered Worship | Sunday, January 10, 2021


Order of Gathering

From Deep Distress


Eternal King

Focal Passage:
Luke 10:25-37

Revealing What’s [Already] True

Invitation to Respond

He Will Hold Me Fast
O Fount of Love



Revealing What’s [Already] True


Gospel ministry aims to reveal what’s already true about our neighbor’s need for the Lord’s mercy.

  1. Gospel ministry reveals what’s already true.

  2. Gospel ministry reveals a tension that’s already there.

  3. Gospel ministry reveals a mercy that’s already there.

Reflect | Repent | Respond

  • How aware are you of your own need for mercy and compassion through the gospel on a daily basis?
    // reflect & confess: I am a sinner in need of grace.

  • How are you prone to making evangelism more about you than about God and your neighbor?
    // change: ask God to give boldness & make him known.

  • Which of your neighbors can your talk with this week to learn what they already believe to be true?
    // respond: Go!


Scott O'Donohoe