Scattered Worship | Sunday, January 17, 2021


Order of Gathering

And Can It Be


All Creatures of Our God and King
Yet Not I But Christ Through Me

Focal Passage:
Jeremiah 29:1-14

Living Here, For Now

Invitation to Respond

The Goodness of Jesus
It Is Finished



Living Here, For Now


When you’re in a place that doesn’t feel like home, seek God and do good.

  1. Establish roots. (29:4-6)

  2. Advance good. (29:7)

  3. Remember this isn’t home. (29:8-14)

Reflect | Repent | Respond

  • In what areas do you feel like you don’t belong? Is your desire to run from / fight against it?
    // reflect: am I unsettled for Godly reasons, or fleshly?

  • After hearing God’s word to his people in exile, how does the call to trust Him & advance good change your heart towards your situation?
    // change: how can you consider things differently?

  • What does God require of you in response?
    // respond: Go!


Scott O'Donohoe